Group of men and women holding Follow Alice flag on Mt Kilimanjaro with full rubbish bags

Our team helps pick up litter on Kilimanjaro ๐Ÿ’š

Mar 18, 2025

In November 2022 we sent 20 members of the Follow Alice team to help with a multiday Kilimanjaro clean up. It was a joint event, with other tour operators taking part too. We're so proud of our team โ€“ here's what they did and some pics of their efforts!

Man on snow mobile in snowy landscape

by  Paul Kelly


3 min read

A week of cleaning up

In November 2022, during the quiet season on Kilimanjaro, a large-scale clean-up event was organised by the Kilimanjaro Responsible Trekking Organisation to get rid of the litter on the mountain.

Kilimanjaro tour operators were invited to take part by sending a team of their own folks to take part in the clean up. Teams would be on the mountain for between four and seven days.

Many tour operators, including Follow Alice, responded with a "Heck, yeah!" and sent some members of their climbing crews to take part.

The Follow Alice clean-up team

Follow Alice Nov 2022 clean-up team group photo

Our fabulous Follow Alice clean-up team

We sponsored 20 men and women from our Kilimanjaro staff to join in this great initiative. Not only do we love a clean mountain, but it was also a great way to provide some further employment during the quiet climbing season on Kilimanjaro.

Our team spent four days and three nights on the mountain cleaning up. They tackled litter in and around Shira 2 Camp, Moir Hut, Lava Tower and Barranco Camp. 

Like all the other clean-up teams, they were accompanied by a leader from the Kilimanjaro Responsible Trekking Organisation (KRTO).

Follow Alice team member picking up litter on Kilimanjaro

Clean up in full swing

Who is KRTO?

The Kilimanjaro Responsible Trekking Organisation โ€“ or KRTO โ€“ is a new NGO spearheaded by the Kilimanjaro's Porters Assistance Project (KPAP). We partner with both KPAP because we believe in fair payment and good treatment of porters on Kilimanjaro.

The KRTO leaders who led the clean-up teams are all trained in the principles of Leave No Trace, an NGO that does great work in educating and empowering communities and travellers to protect the natural environment.

Follow Alice team briefing for KRTO clean-up initiative on Kilimanjaro

The Follow Alice team being briefed by their KRTO leader

We partner with LNT because we want to protect the natural heritage of the beautiful spaces where we operate trips. We even had our Kilimanjaro crew attend a Leave No Trace workshop earlier in 2022 in which they were trained in sustainable trekking practices.

KRTO is going to be organising annual Kilimanjaro clean-up projects like this one. And we're stoked to be a part of it, now and into the future!

Follow Alice clean-up crew on Kilimanjaro by Umbwe Camp

Just a group of eco-warriors!


We're stoked to be doing our small bit to help preserve this beautiful and precious mountain!

A boggy issue

Much of the clean-up crews' efforts involved using tongs to pick up used toilet paper.

This is because sadly not everyone on the mountain abides by Kilimanjaro National Park's "leave no trace" policy. If they did, they'd carry away and dispose of toilet paper in the bins provided at camp. (We discuss this issue and what climbers should be doing in Toilets on Kilimanjaro.)

Follow Alice clean-up team on Kilimanjaro

Used toilet paper is a big issue on Kilimanjaro

Let's protect the integrity of Kilimanjaro

The animals on Kilimanjaro, as well as the mountain's five beautiful ecosystems, deserve to be protected and treated with respect.

Did you know that the Kilimanjaro impatiens is a flower that grows only in the forest encircling the base of Kilimanjaro, and nowhere else in the world?

Kilimanjaro impatiens

The Kilimanjaro impatiens is endemic to its rainforest

To ensure you never become a part of the problem, please read 7 ways to reduce your eco footprint when hiking, trekking or camping. In it we address the obvious โ€“ like no littering โ€“ but also other ways to 'tread lightly'.

We know you're with us when we say we want to look after Kilimanjaro and enjoy litter-free climbs up this majestic mountain well into the future!