7 truly stupendous facts about the Great Migration
The Great Wildlife Migration – also known as the Great Wildebeest Migration, or simply as the Great Migration – is a phenomenon like no other on Earth. In fact, it’s the largest land-based animal migration in the world!

The Great Migration is a far-reaching ecosystem that’s full of drama and spectacle.

Blue wildebeests aren't, of course, blue. But there's a silvery–blue sheen to their coat when seen at certain angles in the light.
1. Wildebeests rely on zebras for their survival

2. Nile crocs can survive on one or two feedings a year

Did you know that Nile crocodiles live, on average, for 70 to 100 years??

3. Around half a million calves are born in two months

Wildebeests have one of the highest fertilisation success rates of all mammals.
4. Calves are able to stand minutes after birth

5. Adult lions can eat 40 kg of wildebeest in a sitting!

After a really big meal, a lion can sleep for up to 24 hours. Cats, right?

6. Wildebeest hooves leave a scent trail for others to follow

7. The grunt of each wildebeest is unique

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