Snow and trekkers on Kilimanjaro summit

What is the best training for Kilimanjaro?

May 30, 2024
Reading time: 10 minutes

It's vital that you train for your Kilimanjaro climb so that you can make it to the summit – AND enjoy the trek! Proper training includes strength, cardio and aerobic exercise, as well as strategic training hikes. Here's how best to train for Kilimanjaro.

Climbing Kilimanjaro is an epic challenge that will most likely be one of the hardest things you ever do in your life, if not the hardest.

To conquer this mighty mountain which rises to 5,895 m (19,340 ft) above sea level, you need grit and determination, a supportive team, and good physical fitness and stamina. In this blog post we discuss how best to train physically for Kilimanjaro to improve your chances of successfully summiting the mountain. 

How fit do I need to be for Kilimanjaro?

You need to be fit to successfully climb Kilimanjaro. Each day you hike anywhere between two and 10 hours. And on summit night-cum-day you’re on your feet for at least 10 hours, possibly as long as 16 hours! That’s gruelling stuff, and not for the faint-hearted (or weak-legged). 

Aerial view of Mt Kilimanjaro's Kibo Peak covered in snow

Aerial view of Kilimanjaro's Kibo Peak wtih a dusting of snow

Most of your trekking on a Kilimanjaro climb is uphill. On all of the standard Kilimanjaro routes, which range from five to nine days, only the last two days are for the descent. That means you have three to seven days of steady climbing. Some routes, like the Umbwe, are pretty steep. And on all routes, your summit hike is the steepest section.

The good news is that you don’t carry the bulk of your belongings on Kilimanjaro trek – this is the job of your porters. But you do carry your own drinking water and whatever else you need for the day in a daypack, so there will be a little extra weight each day on your back.

Glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Glaciers on Kibo, Mount Kilimanjaro

On your summit hike you must navigate scree

Note too that all of the seven Kilimanjaro routes are rocky and uneven. Near the summit, you’re also walking on scree and (in some seasons) snow. You need strong ankles and sure footing to tackle this terrain confidently. 

Add high altitude to the mix 

Finally, everything about climbing Kilimanjaro is markedly harder because you have to contend with high altitude. Trekking at altitude is tough because your lungs are operating on reduced oxygen. At worst, this can lead to altitude sickness. At best, you feel somewhat breathless and every task requires more effort than usual.

You might find it helpful to read The best acclimatisation for climbing Kilimanjaro.

Smiling trekkers on Kilimanjaro

You climb far above the clouds on Kilimanjaro

Take your physical prep seriously

Every year hundreds of people who attempt to climb Kilimanjaro don't make it to the summit. Some turn back because of altitude sickness, others because the physical demands of the trek are just too much. We see it all the time.

While altitude sickness (a big topic) is somewhat random and mostly out of your control, failing to make it to the summit because of a lack of fitness is totally within your hands. We'd hate to see you put in all that time, money and effort and then not make it the top because you simply didn't train enough.

So we cannot stress enough the importance of taking your Kilimanjaro physical training seriously. It's one of the most important aspects of your Kilimanjaro preparation.

Start early

We advise starting to train at least three months before your climb. If you can start earlier than that – awesome! Ideally you should start six or more months prior to your climb.

Remember that the more effort you put in, the greater the chances of you reaching the summit. And the more likely you are to enjoy the climb as well!

How do I train for Kilimanjaro?

The primary and most important way to train for a Kilimanjaro trek is to go on hikes. Lots and lots of hikes. These offer the perfect all-round exercise and preparation for a multiday trek. We discuss training hikes in detail in just a moment.

But given that most of us cannot manage multiple hikes a week, we suggest that you implement a weekly training schedule that includes strength, aerobic and cardiovascular workouts.

1. Strength training

Strong, conditioned legs are an invaluable asset when climbing Kilimanjaro! You're going to climb (and then descend) roughly three vertical kilometres. You also want a strong core to prevent any injuries.

Some of the most effective leg-conditioning exercises which you can do with just your body weight (i.e. you can do them anywhere!) are:

  • Lunges
  • Side lunges
  • Squats
  • Toe ups
  • Wall sitting*

* This is where you lean your back against a wall and slide down into a chair-like sitting position. You then hold the position for as long as you can. Feel the burn!!

Try to do exercises that engage the entire body, rather than using gym equipment that isolates individual muscles. The latter can lead to disproportionate muscle development (and is also not time efficient). And you want to activate your core muscles during all of the exercises to ensure better all-round physical development.

As a general rule of thumb, do three rounds of 8 to 12 reps for each exercise. Take a short break in between rounds to rest the muscles.

Kilimanjaro trekkers, physical preparation

You don't make it to the top of Kilimanjaro without pretty strong legs

2. Aerobic training

Aerobic training is about getting your heart rate up. This is a really good aspect to include in your training for Kilimanjaro as it helps your body to function well on less oxygen.

Some highly effective aerobic exercises (which cost nothing) are:

  • Stair running
  • High-knee, on-the-spot running
  • Box jumps
  • Jumping jacks
  • Jumping squats

Alternatively, you could do a regular Zumba, spinning, aerobics or similar class at your local gym. You know you're doing it well if you get really, really sweaty and out of breath!

3. Cardiovascular training

Cardiovascular training is exercise that trains the heart and lungs. Some of the most common (and popular) forms of cardio training are running, swimming, cycling and rowing.

We recommend doing cardio training at least three times a week.

Your weekday cardio workouts should last for at least an hour, while your weekend workouts should last for multiple hours, especially the closer you get to your climb date. Remember, you're going to be hiking for hours each day on Kilimanjaro!

Of course, the ideal cardiovascular training for Kilimanjaro, as mentioned, is hiking! Hikes should form a core part of your cardio workouts. With this in mind, let's talk training hikes ...

4. Training hikes

Ideally, your training hikes should mirror the challenges of climbing Kilimanjaro as much as possible. Think:

  • long duration
  • steep inclines
  • uneven footpaths and scree
  • very cold conditions
  • high altitude

Of course, start off simply and increase the various aspects of difficulty listed above as your fitness grows. This is another reason why it's important to start training early: you have enough time to build up your hiking fitness.

By doing training hikes, you'll also become more familiar with the sort of kit that you find to be comfortable and work for you.

Barranco Wall Kilimanjaro, train for Kilimanjaro

Barranco Wall is one of the steepest (and most rewarding) sections of Kilimanjaro

Hike regularly

Ideally, make hiking your regular cardio workout. So that would mean one or two short hikes during the week, and one or two longer ones on weekends.

A couple of overnight preparatory hikes will also get you used to sleeping in tents, if that's something new to you.

Tents at campsite at night on Kilimanjaro

Going to sleep on the slopes of Kilimanjaro is a privilege that few ever get to experience!

If you're a complete novice when it comes to trekking, you might benefit from reading our Trekking tips for beginners.

Hiking alternatives

Of course not everyone will be able to manage regular hikes. Don't worry. The next best option is to walk stairs – lots and lots of stairs. Stair master machines also work well.

We recommend only using a treadmill as a last resort. Do, of course, ensure you have a good incline going if you do go with the treadmill. This is to get you used to all of the uphill that you'll face on the mountain.

Remember that Kilimanjaro is not a race – it's a marathon. In your cardio training, try to do long stints that teach your body (and mind) to cope with sustained effort.

A Kilimanjaro climb is all about endurance, so ensure your cardio training reflects this.

Hiking at high altitude

One key factor mentioned above is doing high-altitude training hikes. If you're in a position to do some high-altitude hikes to help you train for Kilimanjaro, that’s absolutely fantastic!

Altitude affects different people differently (as discussed in Kilimanjaro altitude sickness), and age and fitness are no indicators of how it will impact you. Spending some time hiking at altitude will acquaint you with the possible side effects and prepare you mentally for them.

That said, don't stress if such training hikes aren't possible. One of the attractions of climbing Kilimanjaro is just how out of the ordinary the experience is! Just do what you can, and you should be totally fine.


The summit of Mt Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) is far higher than that of Mt Blanc (4,809 m)

Wear your daypack

During your training hikes, carry the daypack you intend to bring to Kilimanjaro to ensure it’s comfortable. Also carry the sorts of items you'll bring along, and three litres of liquid. This will help you get used to the extra weight.

For ideas of suitable daypacks, please read our Kilimanjaro packing list or How to choose a backpack for high-altitude trekking.



Wear your boots and socks

Also wear the socks and hiking boots you intend to wear on the trek. This is very important. You need to break in your boots properly. Your training hikes will help you to determine if there are any issues or niggles with them or your socks.

Please only head to Tanzania with hiking boots that you’ve worn on multiple hikes, for hours at a time. A pair of boots that’s comfortable for a one-hour hike might not be right for a 10-hour hike.

The more you can mirror the conditions of Kilimanjaro during your training hikes, the more likely you are to have a comfortable trek. 

We recommend reading The best hiking boots for Kilimanjaro to learn all about the sorts of shoes that work well on a high-altitude trek. And then you might also like to read The 3 kinds of socks you need for Kilimanjaro.

Wear your Kilimanjaro clothes

We also recommend doing your training hikes in the clothes you intend to bring along to Kilimanjaro. Your undergarments are especially important – from your sports underwear to your thermal inner layers. You want to check that there are no annoying seams, and that nothing chafes, itches, rides up ... you get the picture!

Try to mirror the conditions of a Kilimanjaro climb as much as possible during your training hikes.

Kilimanjaro smiling trekkers moorland, train for Kilimanjaro

It's important to do training hikes wearing the gear you'll bring to Kilimanjaro

If you have occasion to test your waterproof gear, that's also very beneficial.

Keep up the motivation

It can be hard to stay motivated and consistent with a tough training programme for many months. We recommend booking your spot for a Kilimanjaro climb, as this commitment can help to keep you focused on your goal.

We also recommend training alongside the people coming with you on the trek, if you're doing it with folks you know If they live in the same area, then meet up for your training sessions and hikes! Perfect.

If they live elsewhere, sync your workouts in other ways, or at least stay accountable to one another about your workouts. Just as climbing Kilimanjaro is a team effort, make your training a team effort too!

Group photo at snowy summit of Kilimanjaro, train for Kilimanjaro

During your training, keep your eyes on the prize to stay motivated!

And finally, visualise your goal. Struggling to get out of bed in the winter to go on a training hike? Picture yourself standing atop Kilimanjaro, grinning at the camera, arms around your compatriots, victorious!

Want to talk to someone?

We're more than happy to talk with you and discuss your planned Kilimanjaro physical training with you. Perhaps we can share some of our experiences of climbing to the roof of Africa with you if you wish? Please get in touch and we can start chatting!