Mindful travel: 14 ways to have a more meaningful trip
Mindful travel is an increasingly popular form of travel as folks everywhere are eager to hush the noise and connect with the environment, other people, and their inner world. We suggest 14 ways to make your travels more meaningful through mindfulness.
1. Practise mindful habits ahead of your trip
2. Set your mindfulness intention
Is there an outdoor stretching, yoga or pilates class you could join? Could you take a class to learn a traditional dance or how to cook a local dish? Could you volunteer to plant a tree or help teach a lesson in computer literacy with a local NGO? Is there a safe trail you could walk by yourself for a moment of solitude if you're travelling in a group? Is there something special about the environment to be visited (like a rare plant or endangered species or historic building) that you can research beforehand so that when you're there you can more fully appreciate the encounter?
3. Pack light
4. Silence your devices
Make a conscious decision to disconnect from the digital world in order to free you up to live more fully in the present moment.
5. Use all of your senses
When you tap into all of your senses, you make space for your inner child's sense of wonder.
6. Ditch the to-do (or to-see) list
7. Eat more mindfully
8. Take fewer photos
Life's best moments don't happen with a camera in hand.
Remember, just because you don't have a photo of something, doesn't mean it didn't happen! 😉
9. Give others your full attention
When you invest time and attention in others, you just never know what lovely or important experience might arise.
10. Keep your eyes open for mindful activities
If you're feeling like you need to slow down for a moment, then spend some time in the morning breathing deeply, meditating or praying. Step outside and walk barefoot on grass, earth or sand. Close yours eyes and focus on what your other senses are noticing. Go for a stroll and observe what's around you. Perhaps look for pretty shells or interesting stones. Are there patterns in the architecture or nature that you missed? Sit in a café, really savour your drink, and observe the street life.
11. Be curious and try something new
Blessed are the curious for they will have adventures.
12. Write or draw in a journal
Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind.
13. Take time to pause
If you're trekking, for instance, be sure to pause not just for water and a rest, but to also really look around you and appreciate where you are. Maybe take time to thank or celebrate your body for getting you to that spot. If rock climbing, lean back into your harness and really see the view that few others ever do. If touring a museum, perhaps take off the headphones or step away from the group to really look at an artwork that evokes a response in you.
14. Let go of expectations
Expectations are lethal. They rob you of the joy of what is because you're hung up on what you thought should be.
We wish you a beautiful, mindful trip that's full of meaning and connection.